Welcome to The Gasquet Raft Races
53rd Annual Gasquet Raft Race
Sponsored by The American Legion Post 548
Come join us at the 53rd Annual Gasquet Raft Race on July 9, 2022. Sign-ups start at 10AM at the American Legion Hall. The race Starts at 12PM at the forks. The sign-up fee this year is $35.00 which includes a t-shirt. There will be prizes for the winner of the race and for Best Raft. We will have Taylor's hotdogs for sale, vendors, and Port-O-Pints will be there with beer. The American Legion bar will also be opened and a Margarita stand. There will be live music as well. Please join us for our first Official Raft Race in three years! Thank you to all of our contributors for this years race.
As always, it is hosted by the American Legion, and all proceeds are for the benefit of the community and the veterans. We would greatly appreciate any and all much needed monetary donations, which are tax deductible. NON-PROFIT NUMBER-946102302.
Checks can be made payable to American Legion, mail to: PO Box 375, Gasquet, Ca. 95543.
Thank you in advance for keeping the tradition alive!
Gasquet Raft Race Admin
Rafting Starts:
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
At the Forks of The Smith River follow the signs.
Taylors Hotdog
Get your free taylor Dog when you purchase a shirt
T-SHIRTS $25.00 SIZES XL AND UP $30.00
Shirts will be availble from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Locations For Shirts, Food & Music:
1555 gasquet flat Rd, Gasquet CA.

Please come and support the continuation of this great nonprofit fundraiser for the American Legion and the local community.
We appreciate all patronage and donations, and they are tax deductible.